Welcome to my blog! This site is dedicated to sharing my personal experiences on Azure with the intention to perhaps assist you with any of the projects you may be strugling with.
The blogs are based on projects that I have worked on and successfully implemented and Im hoping that the topics present the subject matter in an unambiguous and simplified format that I have had to sift through and is fully explained in a comprehensive format that helped me digest the respective topic in preparation for my projects.
Hopefully my topics provide answers to the questions that you may have regarding any of the subject matter that you may be struggling with regarding any of the Azure infrastructural deployments or modernization roadmaps that you may find on this blog.
I am based in Cape Town, South Africa and have worked in the Cloud Architecting space for with 6 years, having worked as an Azure Architect across multiple consultancies as well as for Amazon AWS as an AWS Architect.
Before moving into the cloud space, I spent 10 years as an IT Manager focused on banking regulations and compliancy.

After completed my BSc Computer Science degree I decided to focus on Microsoft technology. If you are mature and have been in the IT industry for longer than 20 years, you might remember Windows NT 3.5 and NT 4.0? My first MCSE certification was NT 4.0 in 1999. This is the pre-Active Directory Microsoft Server days. 🙂